Professional Learning
Ongoing professional development is provided for educators to increase knowledge, build self-efficacy in teaching intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, determine authentic classroom applications, create schoolwide consistency, and sustain instructional practices. Numerous live and asynchronous modules, in-services, webinars, and workshops are available with customization for individual contexts. These are organized under the following professional learning goals.
Increase my own understanding of the Competency Framework
- Review the competency-specific curricula with accompanying measures.
- Attend competency-specific real-time professional learning sessions.
- Watch the one-hour prerecorded overview webinar with guided notes, examples, and discussion questions. Download the guided notes and review in advance.
- Read the book Teaching Self-Regulation: 75 Instructional Activities to Foster Independent, Proactive Students (Gaumer Erickson & Noonan, 2022)—detailed instructional activities designed for middle and high school students.
- Read the book The Skills That Matter: Teaching Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Competencies in Any Classroom (Noonan & Gaumer Erickson, 2018)—an exploration of five competencies with classroom-specific and schoolwide examples.
- Participate in competency-specific online courses—6-week, online, facilitated learning and application experience with support from peers and instructor (earn 18 CEUs and optional 1 graduate credit per course). Enrolled participants can log in to the courses.
Determine which competencies are most needed for our students
- Create an account to launch the Competency Framework online Student Assessments—including a needs assessment, questionnaires, knowledge tests, and observations. Summary data of strengths and areas for growth are automatically provided to the student and educator.
- Conduct a competency-specific Performance-Based Observation for each of your students—technical guides provide directions for educators to rate students’ competency-specific behaviors on a 4-point scale across time or in specific situations.
Implement competency instruction in my classroom or role
- Purchase, study, and teach competency-specific curricula with accompanying measures.
- Purchase, study, and implement Teaching Self-Regulation: 75 Instructional Activities to Foster Independent, Proactive Students (Gaumer Erickson & Noonan, 2022).
- Participate in schoolwide or districtwide professional development series with team coaching provided by a Recognized Trainer (earn 12 CEUs). Contact us for more information.
- Participate in competency-specific courses—6-week, online, facilitated learning and application experience with support from peers and instructor (earn 18 CEUs and optional 1 graduate credit per course).
- Create an account to launch the competency-specific Questionnaire & Knowledge Test as a pre/post-assessment; conduct the Performance-Based Observation three times per year.
- Use the Strategy Posters to integrate competency-specific strategies into academic and extracurricular learning. Provide ongoing guided practice with feedback. Coaching is provided by CCC Framework Recognized Trainers and trained local Implementation Coaches.
Implement competency instruction at Tier 1 (schoolwide) in my school or district
- Explore resources on systematic schoolwide implementation, addressing buy-in, training, coaching, data, collaboration, and leadership. Reach out to discuss your unique context and create a customized professional development plan.
Become a recognized College and Career Competency Framework trainer
- Complete either an online competency-specific course or competency-specific school/district training series. Then participate in a rigorous trainer professional learning and recognition process. Contact us for more information.